Laura Johansson

Certified ToP Facilitator (CTF) and Mentor Trainer - Minneapolis, MN

Laura Johansson is an independent consultant based in the Twin Cities, specializing in organization development, training, coaching, and participatory facilitation. She began her training in Technology of Participation methods in 1996.  Laura integrates ToP facilitation methods into her work in community development and organization development. Since 2011, she has been working as an independent organization development consultant with clients from the private, nonprofit, and public sector. She has over twenty-five years experience in organization change work both domestically and internationally and continues to work internationally with US AID projects. Previously, she served as an executive director with two nonprofit organizations in Minneapolis and has served on the statewide Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Laura has been a US Peace Corps trainer, is fluent in Spanish, and has trained ToP courses in Spanish both in Chile and in the US. She has enjoyed training the ToP Facilitation Methods, ToP Strategic Planning, Approaches to Environmental Scanning, Facilitation Graphics, and ToP year-long Mastery course. She has a master of science in organization development (MSOD) from American University. Ms. Johansson enjoys building clients’ capacity to generate strategic and creative, asset-based solutions.
